UCI Health will see you now: Welcome to our new co-workers and patients from Fountain Valley, Lakewood, Los Alamitos and Placentia Linda! 

Transfer a Patient


Beginning Monday Dec. 2, 2024, at 7 a.m., UCI Health — Fountain Valley will move its transfer center operations to the 24/7 centralized UCI Health Transfer Center.

Key changes:

  • Phone number: 714-456-2222 for inbound patient transfers to UCI Health — Fountain Valley.
    • Exceptions include pediatrics (please scroll down for contact details).
  • New workflow:     
    • Voicemail, real-time call-backs and wait time features will be available.
    • A web-based intake form will be used to initiate transfers.
    • Clinical documentation will be submitted through an electronic portal.

This centralization allows us to provide faster, more efficient transfer services and to better support you in ensuring quality care for your patients.

Please download our Portal Access Tip Sheet, Portal Navigation Tip Sheet and FAQs to assist you through this transition. 


The UCI Health Transfer Center helps outside facilities and practitioners to transfer patients to Emergency Services or an inpatient bed at UCI Medical Center in Orange and UCI Health — Fountain Valley.

Our multidisciplinary transfer process ensures a timely response to all transfer requests and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Patients and families should request a referral through their physician or assigned case manager. 

Transfer center process

1. To initiate a patient transfer, please ensure you have the following information ready:

  • Demographics
  • H&P
  • Diagnosis or reason for admission
  • Referring case manager contact details 
  • Referring physician information
  • Nursing station phone number

2. Complete the transfer center e-packet.

a. Obtain access to the UCI Health Transfer Center Portal.

i. Each individual user must create an account to utilize the portal.

b. Select facility.

c. Complete intake e-form.

d. Complete return agreement form.

i. Print, complete and upload to portal with all signatures.
ii. Return Agreement Form.

e. Complete Letter of Agreement request form.

i. Print, complete and upload to portal.
ii. Letter of Agreement Form.
iii. View the Letter of Agreement (LOA) Cheat Sheet.


Contact details

UCI Health Transfer Center phone number: 714-456-2222


UCI Medical Center in Orange

Phone number: 714-456-2222
Email: transfercenterstaff@hs.uci.edu

Behavioral health transfers

Perinatal/maternal child transfers

NICU transfers

Acute rehab transfers

UCI Health — Fountain Valley

Phone number: 714-456-2222
Email: UCITransferFV@hs.uci.edu

Pediatric transfers

For any portal technical difficulties, please email our transfer center coordinators.