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Education & Training

The Medical Ethics Program sponsors a number of educational activities for ethics committee members, residents, fellows and UCI Health faculty and staff, as well as UCI School of Medicine faculty and students, and the local community.

These programs include:

Medical Ethics Symposium

The annual Medical Ethics Symposium is intended for ethics committee members at healthcare institutions from across Southern California. This symposium includes lectures from recognized scholars and leaders in bioethics, as well as case-based learning and panel discussions.

Medical Ethics Course

We design and direct the required medical ethics course for all UCI medical students during their first two years of training, as well as research electives in medical ethics for fourth-year students. With affiliated faculty, we sponsor the innovative Human Kindness curriculum and related clinical virtues for medical students in their first two years.

Medical Ethics Journal Club

We sponsor the Jerry Tobis Medical Ethics Journal Club, open to UCI Health faculty and staff, as well as healthcare professionals from the community. 

The journal club is held the second Wednesday of every month, from noon to 1 p.m.

For more information, contact Sheila Anaya at anayas@uci.edu or 714-456-2893.

Community outreach initiatives

We partner with the university's Medical Humanities Initiative on several educational and community outreach initiatives, including developing the new undergraduate minor in medical humanities. The UCI Medical Humanities Initiative is an innovative interdisciplinary program that engages the School of Medicine, School of Humanities and School of the Arts, as well as other departments and schools.

We also sponsor distinguished lectures, public debates, panel discussions, ethics grand rounds and symposia for scholars and members of the community, including the Jerome Tobis Distinguished Lecture in Medical Ethics.

Questions? Contact Program Coordinator Sheila Anaya at anayas@uci.edu or 714-456-2893.

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