The UCI Health ALS & Neuromuscular Center treats patients with neuromuscular disorders, including muscular dystrophy, Lou Gehrig's disease, myopathies and myasthenia gravis. Call 714-456-2332.
UCI Health cancer specialists use extreme cold or heat, delivered through the skin, to destroy cancers of the kidney, liver, prostate, bone and lung. Call 714-456-7005 for more information.
UCI Medical Center provides the best operative and post-operative care available for patients with a wide range surgical problems and critical illnesses.
A mental health crisis requires swift intervention by an experienced and compassionate team of psychiatrists, nurses and therapists. For inpatient inquiries, call 714-456-3029; for outpatient inquiries, call 714-456-5902.
Our UCI Health specialists provide comprehensive care to adults and children suffering from all types of allergies and immune disorders. Call 714-456-7720.
When you struggle to hear what those around you are saying, it can be isolating and frustrating. You don't have to continue to struggle. Call the UCI Health Audiology Center at 714-456-7017 or request an appointment online ›