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Mother of two young children shares her story of weight-loss surgery at UC Irvine Medical Center

The 29-year-old woman turns to bariatric surgeon to shed hundreds of pounds

January 26, 2014

IN THE NEWS: Jennifer Garcia, a 29-year-old mother of two young children, turned to UCI Health bariatric surgery specialists to help her lose at least half of her 555 pounds.

Bariatric surgeon Dr. Ninh Nguyen put the Moreno Valley woman on a rigorous six-month diet-and-exercise program to get her weight closer to 500 pounds, then he performed a vertical sleeve gastrectomy at UC Irvine Medical Center in October 2013. Now 115 pounds lighter, Garcia shares her journey to a longer life with the Press-Enterprise.

Read Jennifer Garcia's weight-loss story ›

Read more about Garcia's weight-loss procedure ›