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Radiation Oncology Services: Conditions & Treatments
The UCI Health radiation oncology team provides consultation and treatment for patients with a confirmed or suspected malignancy. We also treat benign conditions for which radiation treatment is a therapeutic option.
Using the latest technologies, such as the RapidArc™ radiaotherapy system, we can treat tumors in virtually any part of the body, including:
- Brain and central nervous system
- Bone and soft tissues
- Breast
- Cervix, ovaries and uterus
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Liver and pancreas
- Lung
- Prostate, kidney and bladder
- Skin
Cancers can be treated with a variety of targeted radiation therapies. Our team of specialists collaborate to identify the best approach for your condition.
We are one of the few institutions in Orange County to offer RapidArc™, an advanced form of radiation therapy that provides significant benefits to patients.View videos about our RapidArc™ treatments ›
We also offer Y90 microspheres therapy, which uses the radioactive isotope Y-90 in tiny beads to deliver radiation directly to primary and malignant liver cancers.
Our services and treatments include:
- Consultation
- External beam radiation therapy
- Intensity-modulated radiation therapy
- Y90 microspheres therapy, including radio-embolization, SIRTEX SIR-Spheres and TheraSpheres
- Image-guided radiation therapy
- Radiosurgery
- Brachytherapy (radioactive seed implants)
- Stereotactic body radiotherapy
Our radiation oncology team also participates in a research consortium to extend promising clinical trials to qualifying patients.
Questions about radiation treatment?
View our FAQs ›
For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call us at 714-456-5651.