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Women's Health

PMS Quiz

Answer this one: How many symptoms have been tied to PMS? If you guessed more than 100, you're right.

Menopause Quiz

Answer this one: A woman is considered to have begun menopause after she has missed how many menstrual cycles?

Food Quiz

Answer this one: Which ethnic food offers healthy, low-fat choices?

Due Date Calculator

It is important to know your estimated due date in order to help plan for the baby's birth.

Healthy Pregnancy Quiz

Test your knowledge of which behaviors are most helpful and harmful to your developing baby.

Mammogram Quiz

Answer this one: Although mammograms can identify tumors at a very early stage, the tumors may have been growing for how long by the time they show up on the X-ray?

Disease Prevention Quiz

Answer this one: Which is the most important hygiene habit to teach young children? Learn the answer to this and other prevention questions by taking this multiple choice quiz.

Sexually Transmitted Infection Quiz

Answer this one: Which is the most common bacterial STI?

Chlamydia Quiz

Answer this one: The STD chlamydia is a bacterium that is transmitted through intimate physical contact. What's the most common means of transmission?

Medicine Interaction Quiz

True or false: An interaction between alcohol and a medicine can lead to extreme drowsiness and other effects. Do you know the answer to this and other questions about medicine interaction?

Doctor-Patient Communication Quiz

Your doctor can't give you the best care if you don't say what's really going on. This true-false quiz will help you prepare for your next visit.

Stress Quiz

Stress is a fact of life for most of us. Too much stress can have harmful effects on the body, mind, and emotions. Learn more about stress and its effects by taking this quiz.

Breast Cancer Quiz

True or false: Most of the lumps women find when checking their breasts aren't cancerous.

Nutrition and Cancer Quiz

True or false: Studies suggest that people who consume lots of antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids) from food sources have a lower cancer risk.

Heart Quiz for Women Only

As a woman, do you know what your risk is for developing heart disease? You might be surprised. Take this quiz, based on information from the American Heart Association, and see how much you know about heart disease in women.

Calcium Quiz

True or false: If you don't get enough calcium in your diet, your body will take the calcium it needs from your bones.

First Aid/Emergency Quiz

Answer this one: In which situation(s) should you call an ambulance instead of driving to the hospital emergency department?

Prescription Medicine Abuse Quiz

Prescription medications can successfully and safely treat mental and physical illnesses. But some medications can be addictive and many can be abused. Being aware of these potential harms can help you prevent them.