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Men's Health

Sports Injuries

Many sports injuries can be prevented with proper conditioning and training, wearing appropriate protective gear, and using proper equipment.


Physical activity is an important action that people can engage in to improve their health. Experts advise getting at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity, aerobic physical activity every week for major health benefits.

Sports-Related Injuries

What is a contusion? A sprain? A strain? Find out more about these common sports injuries.

Strength Training at Home

Getting to the gym for a weight workout isn't always easy. That's why it pays to have weights at home as a backup, or even as a substitute.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral pain syndrome means that you have dull pain around the front of the knee (patella). This is where the knee connects with the lower end of the thighbone (femur).

Preventing Sports Injuries

Read on for helpful steps to take to prevent sports injuries.

Stress Fractures of the Foot

Stress fractures are weak spots or small cracks in the bone caused by continuous overuse. They often occur in the foot after training for basketball, running, and other sports.

Shin Splints

Shin splints refers to pain and tenderness along or just behind the large bone in the lower leg (the tibia).

Exercise and Older Adults

Exercise is good for people of all ages. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risks for falls and serious injuries, and slows the body's loss of muscle and bone mass.

Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper's Knee)

Jumper's knee is caused by overuse of your knee joint, such as frequent jumping on hard surfaces. It's usually a sports-related injury, linked to leg muscle contraction and the force of hitting the ground.

Lumbar Strain

A lumbar strain is an injury to the lower back. This results in damaged tendons and muscles that spasm and feel sore.

Inguinal Hernia

An inguinal hernia is when part of your intestine pushes through a weak spot in your lower belly (abdominal) wall. This area is called the groin. The hernia creates a lump in your groin. Over time, the hernia may get bigger.