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Children's Health

Disciplining Your Child at Any Age

Each child is different, but most children need to be given clear rules about behavior. Read on for some discipline tips by age group.

Parents-to-Be Must Communicate

Few parents-to-be receive training for the much more challenging and long-term tasks--becoming good parents and remaining close and loving partners in the face of new stresses and strains as their family grows.

Put Peer Pressure in Its Place

During the teen years, peer pressure can be very strong. It can push kids to do things that they don't really want to do. This pressure can come from friends or other kids at school. But parents can counter it, if they're ready to help.

Why Parents Shouldn’t Use Food as Reward or Punishment

Giving sweets, chips, or soda as a reward often leads to children’s overeating foods that are high in sugar, fat, and empty calories. Worse, it interferes with kids’ natural ability to regulate their eating, and it encourages them to eat when they’re not hungry to reward themselves.

Anger Management: Strategies for Parents and Grandparents

Anger management helps you deal with your child or grandchild in a kind and constructive way. It also sets a good example of how to handle challenging situations and work out conflicts.

Job Safety Critical for Teens

The main threats to teens are often said to involve drugs, alcohol, or car crashes. But there’s another risk most parents might not think of: work. Tens of thousands of teens are badly hurt at work each year.

Teenagers and Summer Jobs

Parents often wonder whether their child is ready to get a job. One way to answer this question is to check on the labor laws that affect children and youths.

In a Nutshell: Understanding Peanut Allergies

If your child is allergic to peanuts, here's what you need to know.

Tips to Keep Your Anger Under Control

While getting angry from time to time is inevitable, the way you express it isn't. Control your anger in a way that's better for both you and the people around you.

How to Juggle Demands at Work and Home

Juggling the demands of work and home can be quite stressful. For your health and well-being, it is important to find a good balance between work and home responsibilities