Insomnia is trouble falling to sleep or staying asleep. One in three adults has bouts of insomnia.
Here are some helpful tips for understanding the air in your house and the air-quality appliances that can alter it.
A person's ability to drive isn't based on age alone. Age-related changes in vision, physical fitness and reflexes, however, may be reasons to reevaluate your abilities behind the wheel.
Every year, thousands of Americans injure their eyes or damage their vision. Follow these guidelines to help protect yourself and your family.
You can’t fully prevent osteoarthritis. But you can help lessen daily stress on your joints. This can make it less likely that osteoarthritis will happen, or get worse.
Read on for helpful steps to take to prevent sports injuries.
Good mental health is just as important as good physical health. But we all face changes in life that can challenge our emotional well being.
Women suffer more frequent and severe symptoms from STDs. Some STDs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to both infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
Your heart is a vital organ that keeps your body functioning. You can take care of your heart by making lifestyle changes.
Atherosclerosis can cause strokes, heart attacks, and death. But you can prevent this condition with things like a heart-healthy diet, exercise, and keeping a healthy weight.
Where can you as a parent turn to for the facts about vaccine safety? The first place to go is your child's healthcare provider.
Heart disease is a killer, but you can do plenty to reduce your risk and prolong your life. Research shows that making lifestyle changes can decrease your risk of heart disease and help you control it if you already have it.
Often, people with vision problems wait far longer than necessary or sensible before getting an eye exam. Everyone should have a regular exam every year or two.
Every year, thousands of Americans die because of medical errors. Such errors can occur anywhere in the health-care system and can involve medicines, surgery, diagnosis, equipment and lab reports.
Men are missing the chance to find and treat health problems in their early stages, when many conditions are more treatable and less threatening to overall health.
Dehydration means that you don’t have enough water in your body. Learn more about this condition, including causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
With drinking water, it's important to consider not just the water itself, but how that water gets to you.
Find detailed information on blood donations and blood banking.
A look at specific things that may increase your chance of having breast cancer.
Mental stress does more than diminish your sense of well-being. It also can increase your risk for heart disease.
Most pediatric dentists will agree that regular dental care should begin when a child gets their first tooth or no later than the child's first birthday. Here's what you need to know.
A stress fracture happens when you increase the length or intensity of your workout too quickly.
Women often perceive heart disease as an older person's disease that need not concern them until menopause.
Domestic violence, or intimate partner violence, is when someone you're in a romantic relationship with tries to control you through fear and threats. Read on for detailed information.
A medical error can occur when something that was planned for medical care doesn't work, or when the wrong plan was used in the first place.
Cocaine use ranges from once in a while to nonstop. There is no safe way to use the drug.
The millions of Americans diagnosed with heart and cardiovascular diseases can benefit from making healthy choices in their day-to-day lives.
Many people are unaware they have osteoporosis until they have advanced symptoms, which may include a broken hip or wrist, low back pain, or a hunched back.
For some people, taking medicine every day can help prevent migraines and make them less painful when they occur.
Here's what you need to know about treating a minor sports injury, such as a twisted ankle, shin splint, or strained muscle.
Dogs are responsible for 85% to 90% of all animal bites. But, many incidents can be avoided.
When you're behind the wheel, you may believe that you can stop yourself from falling asleep, but you can't. You may not even know you've dozed off. Here are some important tips to help stay alert.
Older adults may have dental concerns that can't be fully taken care of with just brushing and flossing. Here's what you should know.
Even if you already have atherosclerosis or have had a heart attack, there's a lot you can do to prevent future heart problems.
Putting babies to sleep on their backs has dramatically reduced the incidence of SIDS. One unexpected side effect: Many infants now have a flattened head.
Stingers occur when the shoulder and head go in opposite directions, the head is moved quickly to one side, or the area above the collarbone is hit.
What is a contusion? A sprain? A strain? Find out more about these common sports injuries.
You can help your child by being prepared and preventing injuries from happening. It is important to take charge of your child's health and follow a program designed to help you and your family stay healthy and safe.
Without enough shut-eye, children are more likely to struggle with their school studies, do poorly on the playing field, and suffer depression.
Detailed information on air pollution and air pollution prevention.
Metabolic syndrome is a condition that includes the presence of a cluster of risk factors specific for cardiovascular disease. Metabolic syndrome greatly raises the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, or all three.
After age 65, your body can't adjust to changes in air temperature--especially heat--as quickly as it did when you were younger. That puts you at risk for heat-related illnesses.
Many people think using smokeless tobacco is safer than smoking. But just because there's no smoke, doesn't mean it's safe.
Physical violence is just one form of domestic abuse. Emotional abuse can affect you in serious ways as well. Read on to learn more.
Omega-3s are a beneficial and essential form of fat, one that your body needs but can't make.
Any trip needs advance planning so you can be comfortable and lower your risk for worsening symptoms.
Evidence is mounting that people with gum (periodontal) disease may be more at risk for heart disease and stroke.
Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best weapons for fighting cardiovascular disease and other heart conditions.
To keep stress at a minimum and reduce its effects on your life, you need to find and practice healthy ways to manage it.
A look at some of the major air pollutants and how they can affect you.
If you spend hours each day working at a computer screen or other devices with screens, you may suffer from symptoms of eye strain. Eye strain is a common problem, but you can take steps to reduce your discomfort.
Rotavirus is a contagious virus that causes nausea and diarrhea. It is the leading cause of severe infectious diarrhea in children.
There are many types of sleep problems. They can interfere with health and quality of life. Sleep problems can range from insomnia to snoring.
Everyone has experienced low back pain at one time or another. Most people can recover from low back pain with home treatment, such as changes in activity, weight loss, quitting smoking, and other steps. Sometimes medicine or surgery is needed.
If you are what you eat, that's even more true for your teeth and gums. When you drink and eat starchy foods, you're not only feeding yourself--you're feeding the plaque that can cause havoc in your mouth.
The number of older people losing their vision is growing, yet experts say much of this vision loss could be prevented.
For safety's sake, look through your home often. Keep an eye out for not-so-obvious hazards.
You can prevent the flu this season by taking 1 simple step: Get a flu shot.
Although most medicines are safe when you take them the right way, some of them can cause dizziness, loss of consciousness, bleeding, irregular heartbeats, and other side effects in some cases.
For parents of a newborn, first-time parents, or any anxious mom or dad, it may be hard to tell a true health threat that needs a healthcare provider's attention from a frightening, yet simple, illness that doesn't need medical treatment. Most sniffles, sneezes, and stomachaches don't need medical attention. But how do you know when it's time to call the healthcare provider?
Overall, cosmetics and personal care items are considered safe. But that doesn't mean that there aren't risks linked to their use, particularly if you don't use them correctly.
Moving your child from the crib to a first bed is a milestone event. But more than the bittersweet emotional concerns, your priorities will be safety and a healthy sleep routine.
You may think of heart disease as a problem for adults, not your young children. But diet and exercise habits started in childhood can begin a lifetime of heart health, or a lifetime of heart damage.
Finding ways to get exercise as you get older is a smart and easy way to stay fit and improve your health.
Regular dental checkups and cleanings, along with brushing and flossing often, are important for a healthy mouth and a healthy pregnancy.
Certain behaviors may help safeguard you from illness and disease. These include exercising regularly and sleeping enough. Here may be another--staying socially connected. It may well do your body good.
Like many people, you may struggle for a good night's sleep. A daytime nap may seem like a good way to recoup some of that lost slumber. But you may be dozing at your own risk.
Older women still need health checkups and screening tests, including regular gynecological exams.
As a transgender person, you may have special health concerns. Being honest and open with your healthcare provider will help you get the best care possible.