Take the Food Quiz
Eating a varied diet is a cornerstone of good health. Find out how much you know about healthy eating by taking this quiz. It's based on information from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND).
1. Snacking may keep you from becoming overly hungry and overeating.
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Healthy snacking can help you control the amount of food you eat. This will make you less inclined to overeat at your next meal or late at night in front of the TV or computer. When you snack, remember to include the number of calories in your snacks as part of the total number of your recommended daily calories. Choose snacks that include some carbohydrate and protein, but only a small amount of fat. Some ideas include:
1 medium banana and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
1 medium apple and 1 ounce of string cheese
2 cups of unbuttered popcorn sprinkled with cayenne pepper
10 regular tortilla chips and 1/4 cup of salsa
3. Vitamins are a good source of energy.
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Vitamins are not a source of energy (calories), but instead help your body use energy from food. Including a variety of foods in your daily diet is the best way to get the vitamins you need. A vitamin and mineral supplement may be a good idea when:
- Your lifestyle is so hectic that you find it hard to eat a variety of foods
- You are an older adult
- You are a vegan
- You are pregnant
- You have an allergy that prevents you from eating certain foods or food groups
Talk with your healthcare provider about whether you might need a supplement.
6. Both fat and cholesterol are found in:
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The key here is the word "cholesterol." Cholesterol is found only in foods of animal origin. Plant foods don't contain cholesterol. But some plant foods such as avocados, nuts, and plant oils contain a lot of fat. Plant oils such as coconut, palm, and palm kernel contain saturated fat. Seeds such as sesame, safflower, and sunflower and oils made from these, contain polyunsaturated fat. Canola, olive, and peanut oils contain monounsaturated fat. The unsaturated fats may help lower cholesterol levels in your blood. Saturated fat and trans-fatty acids (found in commercial snacks and cookies) raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, according to the American Heart Association.
7. According to the USDA's dietary guidelines, the recommended amount of protein foods per day for adults is:
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The USDA guidelines vary according to a person's age, gender, and amount of daily activity. The recommended amount of protein foods for an adult who gets less than 30 minutes of exercise a day ranges from 5 ounces for women 31 and older to 6.5 ounces for men ages 19 to 30. The protein foods group includes meat, poultry, seafood, beans, eggs, nuts, seeds, and processed soy products.
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