The UCI Health philosophy of care is grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy principles. We teach kids how to reframe negative thoughts (e.g., catastrophic thoughts, black-and-white thinking, negative self-talk) to help them feel differently about their lives based on what they tell themselves. Behavior changes often stem from feelings and perceptions. Positive thoughts often generate more socially appropriate behavior.
UCI Health contracts with many insurance companies that cover the program. For patients without coverage, there is a daily rate available. MediCal does not offer this program as a covered benefit.
A team of professional psychiatrists, social workers and the clinical manager of the Teen Partial Hospitalization Program meets with the parent(s) and team to determine if this is the appropriate level of care for the patient. They also gather information for the insurance company to authorize this level of care.
The absence is considered a medical leave while the adolescent remains under a doctor’s care. We understand that school is also important. Therefore, we provide a teacher both in the inpatient and outpatient program. Every effort is made to encourage and support the adolescent's learning while dealing with their emotional issues.
Often any short-term loss is worth the long-term gain for the teen to learn reinforcing and coping skills, and increase the chances of concentrating more effectively.
Many teens are already exposed to a variety of societal ills and transgressions through peers, the media, school and other families. In the Partial Hospitalization Program, many addictions, maladaptive coping skills and poor choices are discussed and deterrents offered as a means of relapse prevention. Outpatient therapy is likewise encouraged to reinforce gains made.
The Partial Hospitalization Program is a voluntary program conducted in an unlocked unit. Patients are supervised at all times by an interdisciplinary staff of nurses and social workers. Access to security guards and child psychiatrists is always available in cases of emergency or psychiatric crisis.
The program is family focused, and all parents participate in weekly family therapy sessions with a staff therapist. For patients in the inpatient and partial hospitalization programs, outpatient family therapy after discharge is encouraged. Feedback from parents on a daily basis is requested and encouraged.