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A vocal fold granuloma is an inflammatory growth that occurs on the back portion of the folds, which is known as the vocal process.
Granulomas are believed to be the result of vocal overuse and inflammation.
Patients with granulomas may experience:
- A tickle in the throat sensation
- Hoarseness
- Cough
- Vocal fatigue or tiring while speaking
- Throat clearing
- A feeling of something stuck in the throat
A vocal process granulomas may be present after placement of an endotracheal tube, such as during surgery. Granulomas may also be associated with reflux disease.
Treatment of this condition includes management of acid reflux from the stomach, use of steroid injections or inhalers and occasionally lasers.
The first step in granuloma treatment involves procedures that can be performed in the office, including vocal fold injections performed while you are awake.
Call our experts for an evaluation at 714-456-7017 or request an appointment online ›