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Glomus Tumors
Glomus tumors are benign tumors that arise from the area behind the ear drum or from around the jugular vein (the vein that takes the blood from the brain to the heart). Rarely, these tumors can arise from the 10th cranial nerve (the vagus nerve).
These tumors grow slowly. Gradually, they can:
- Destroy the inner ear
- Destroy the bones around the inner ear
- Involve the carotid artery, which takes blood to the brain
- Grow into the brain
If the tumor arises from the jugular vein, it may invade three cranial nerves and cause problems with swallowing and voice.
Symptoms of a glomus tumor include:
- Gradual hearing loss
- Pulsing sound in the ear
- Nerve problems
The size of the tumor will determine the best course of treatment.
Radiosurgery is an effective option for many patients. This treatment is a non-invasive focused radiation technique to stop the growth of the tumors.
This method of treatment has been successful in treating more than 90 percent of patients with glomus tumors.
To learn more, call 714-456-7017 or request an appointment online ›