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One third of Americans are regularly exposed to loud noises

A lifetime of noise compounds age-related hearing loss, says UCI Health otolaryngologist

May 17, 2023
uci health otolaryngologist hamid djalilian standing outside in white coat and blue tie arms crossed djalilian spoke to healthline about hearing damage as one ages
UCI Health otolaryngologist and hearing loss
expert Dr. Hamid R. Djalilian is the director 
of UCI Health Skull Base Surgery Services. 

IN THE NEWS: Almost 50 million Americans suffer some form of hearing loss. It’s no longer just loud music causing the damage. The Apple Hearing Study recently revealed that one third of Americans are regularly exposed to excessive sounds over 70 decibels, including guns, power tools and construction noise.

Healthline logo blue letters on whiteUCI Health otolaryngologist and hearing loss expert Dr. Hamid R. Djalilian spoke to Healthline about the effect of repeated exposure over a lifetime.

“As people get older, following more and more noise exposures and the onset of age-related hearing loss, the damage done in the younger days becomes apparent on the hearing test.”

Djalilian is the director of UCI Health Skull Base Surgery Services. He is also a professor of otolaryngology – head and neck surgery at the UCI School of Medicine, as well as a professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. He has authored or co-authored a number of publications on the subjects of tinnitus, hearing loss, skull base surgery and more.

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