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Low residue diet may improve colonoscopy participation

May 24, 2016

IN THE NEWS:  Patients on a low residue diet before undergoing colonoscopy reported higher bowel preparation and satisfaction scores than those of patients on a  clear liquid diet, according to a study conducted by UCI Health researchers.  The restrictive clear liquid diet prevents many people from getting a colonoscopy, which can help prevent cancer.

Study results, which were presented by UCI Health gastroenterologist Dr. Jason Samarasena at Digestive Disease Week, received coverage in several online media outlets, including Forbes, CBS News, MedPage Today and HealthDay.

Foods allowed in the low residue diet, such as eggs, bread and chicken breast, are easily liquefied and washed out of the small intestine, so they don’t interfere with the procedure.

“We hope this will change the way clinicians prepare their patients and in turn will help increase patients’ willingness to participate in this vital screening process,” Samarasena said. “We showed superiority over the clear liquid diet, which really is a win for patients and for their doctors as well.”

Read the CBS News story ›

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