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UCI Health uses Google Glass in operating rooms

January 02, 2014

IN THE NEWS: The Orange County Register examined how UC Irvine Medical Center surgical teams are using technology such as Google Glass and customized apps to make patient care more efficient:

Dr. Leslie Garson pulls a Google tablet from his blue scrubs and taps on an app icon. On the 7-inch tablet screen, green dots indicate two doctors are online. Garson, the supervising anesthesiologist at UC Irvine Medical Center, taps on the dot for Dr. Warren Davis, a resident doctor in the operating room of a patient having knee surgery.

A second later, Garson sees what Davis sees: an operating room full of physicians in masks, gowns, equipment and a patient on the operating table. Davis is wearing Google Glass and the app making this possible is Eyesight, made by 8-month-old Austin startup Pristine.

“We could be supervising two residents at the same time,” Garson says of the combination of hardware and software. “The (potential) cost savings to the patients, to the system, is phenomenal.”

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