Cancer is even worse in the movies
February 21, 2013
IN THE NEWS: The Orange County Register interviewed Dr. Leonard Sender for an article about the unrealistic view of cancer shown in the movies:
Dr. Leonard Sender, a UC Irvine oncologist who specializes in young-adult cancer, said when he watches movies, he particularly focuses on the portrayals of doctors, sometimes cringing at their arrogance.
He attended an event where Will Reiser, the screenwriter of “50/50,” spoke about the 2011 film, which was based on his diagnosis of spinal cancer at 25. In the movie, the character played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt undergoes chemotherapy, sees a therapist and ultimately survives.
“I thought it was really realistic,” Sender said. “Not everyone has to die in the movies. A lot more people are surviving from cancer than dying of cancer.”
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