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UC Irvine researcher says male, female brains are different ‘mosaics’

January 07, 2013
Larry Cahill

IN THE NEWS: The Orange County Register interviewed UC Irvine neuroscientist Larry Cahill in advance of his talk about research into differences found in the male and female brain:

Women should get angry when they read this story, and men should as well, says Larry Cahill, a neuroscientist at UC Irvine who studies what he considers to be the profound differences between the brains of men and women.

But Cahill, who delivers a talk on his research at UC Irvine on Wednesday, hopes the anger won’t come in its usual form: over misguided arguments about whether men or women are more intelligent.

No evidence exists for gender-based, biological impediments to academic achievement, he says—although he thinks there might be biological contributions to success in some fields.

Instead, Cahill hopes to provoke a reassessment among his colleagues, and anger among the general public, about medical science’s failure to take gender-based brain differences seriously.

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