Independence Day tip: Try grilling veggies, says UC Irvine doctor
June 27, 2012
IN THE NEWS: The Orange County Register interviewed health experts for tips about having a safe Fourth of July holiday. UC Irvine oncologist Dr. Jason Zell offered his thoughts about grilling:
The American Institute for Cancer Research has published recommendations for reducing the production of cancer-causing compounds on barbecued meat…
Dr. Jason Zell, an oncologist and researcher at UC Irvine Medical Center, said the compounds are only caused when charring meat because of the interaction of high temperatures with muscle fiber. He said processed meats, such as sausage, already contain carcinogenic substances.
“Grilled vegetables don’t have the same risk at all,” Zell said. “That’s the easy solution right there—grilled veggie burger, vegetables, Portobello mushrooms.”
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