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UCI cardiologist publishes catheterization guide

March 01, 2011
Dr. Morton J. Kern

Elsevier has published the fifth edition of Dr. Morton J. Kern’s Cardiac Catheterization Handbook, the leading medical text about cardiac catheterization.

Kern is a professor of cardiology at the UCI School of Medicine and chief of medicine at the VA Long Beach Healthcare System.

The book is the leading medical text about cardiac catheterization and includes the latest information about transradial artery catheterization. The technique is considered more comfortable for patients and has fewer complications than the traditional femoral artery approach.

The book also:

  • Features all of the newest interventional techniques, including the use of drug-coated stents, carotid stenting, and renal stenting
  • Presents brand-new coverage of vascular closure devices and radial artery catheterization
  • Features an increased emphasis on congenital heart disease
  • Incorporates new material on patient preparation, laboratory setup, and the digital lab

Kern and interventional cardiologist Dr. Pranav M. Patel have led an effort to make radial catheterization the primary approach in the UCI cath labs. In January, they led a conference devoted to teaching the technique to West Coast cardiologists and cath lab staff.

Kern is also the clinical editor of Cath Lab Digest and the author of numerous studies of catheterization.

Learn more about the Cardiac Catheterization Handbook