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Health Assessment Program for Seniors (HAPS) FAQ

When should you seek a HAPS consultation for yourself or a loved one?

Depression, memory loss, pain and incontinence are not normal aspects of healthy aging. Patients experiencing these problems should be evaluated for medical causes. Other red flags may be:

  • Unintended weight loss
  • Reduced appetite
  • Confusion
  • Listlessness
  • Difficulty performing daily activities

A HAPS professional can distinguish between normal age-related changes and those caused by medications or disease.

To request a HAPS assessment, call 714-456-7007.

What does a HAPS assessment include?

The two-part consultation begins with an in-depth physical exam, memory assessment, a psychological and social profile and an evaluation of the patient’s living situation. Since drug interactions and dosage issues can affect a person’s mental and physical function, a thorough assessment of the patient’s medication regimen is an important part of a HAPS consultation.

The second part takes place approximately two to three weeks later, when our team meets with the patient and family members to review the recommendations of our team.

After the second part of the evaluation, our team's assessment and recommendations are sent to the patient's healthcare provider for further discussion and action.

Who conducts the assessment?

A team of geriatricians, neuropsychologists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, social workers, dietitians and others lead the consultation. These experts work as a team to unravel the patient's interconnected health problems and form a set of recommendations at a meeting with the patient and family members.

What happens during the second part of the consultation?

A HAPS geriatrician meets with the patient and family members to review test results and treatment recommendations. Part of the discussion may focus on the appropriateness of the patient's current living arrangements, including suggestions for care.

Once the post-consultation meeting concludes, our recommendations are sent to the patient's healthcare provider for further action and discussion.

How does the HAPS consultation differ from seeing a primary care physician?

HAPS team members specialize in issues of aging, making them experts in the medical, psychological and social issues faced by older people. We use a highly collaborative approach, working together to identify the patient's problems and sort out how they may relate to one another.

Primary care physicians work with all age groups and may not have a specialized understanding of the healthcare issues affecting older people. They may also refer patients to several specialists, which may result in less coordinated care.

Who can benefit from HAPS?

A HAPS assessment is especially helpful for older adults who have several chronic medical conditions, use multiple medications, who have experienced a significant change in functioning or whose family is seeking advice about the patient's care needs.

In any of these situations, a HAPS consultation can help the patient and family chart a course to greater overall health and improved quality of life.

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