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Acne Scar Treatment and Scar Revision

Long after adolescence, millions of people suffer the lasting effects of acne. Scars from acne or other causes can detract from your appearance and confidence. Today a variety of techniques and treatments can improve the appearance of acne and other scars and boost esteem.

Our UCI Health aesthetic surgeons and dermatologists are among the most experienced in Orange County and the region in these treatments, including laser surgery.

The choice of technique or combination treatment depends on the type of scarring, the patient’s medical history, as well as the expertise and lasers or other equipment available to the physician. Our physicians carefully evaluate your skin and work with you to develop an individually tailored treatment program.

Scar revision

Most scars can be improved by modern interventions. This may include surgical revision and excision, laser therapy, intralesional injections and topical creams. For many patients, a combination approach is indicated.

Not all scars improve dramatically with treatment, but we work with you to explain the potential benefits and possible risks of treatment.

New lasers, such as the Fraxel Repair and Fraxel Restore, have significantly enhanced our ability to improve the appearance of scars. These treatments generally require little after-care and often produce dramatic results.

Patients at our Dermatology Center can count on the expertise of our team of dermatologists and their skill with the latest techniques and equipment to significantly improve the appearance of acne and other scars.

To schedule a consultation or seek more information, please call us at 949-824-0606.

There are many different types of acne scars, including boxcar scars, ice pick scars and rolling scars.

Depending on the type of scarring, many patients need a combination of treatments, including laser resurfacing, for best results.

Many patients need a combination of treatments, including laser resurfacing, for best results.

Boxcar scars

Boxcar scars are rectangular or sharply demarcated. Superficial scars can be improved with laser skin resurfacing, either fractionated or traditional.

Deeper scars may be best treated by surgical removal. Excision with stitches, in combination with treatment by one of various laser devices available, can produce impressive results.

This type of scarring often responds well to fractionated devices, such as the Fraxel Restore or Repair lasers.

Ice pick scars

Ice pick scars are deeply pitted. Surgical removal or focal chemical-peel treatments are the optimal methods to treat small pitted scars. With surgical removal, as many as 15 to 20 scars can be removed in one session.

Most patients benefit from a follow-up treatment of skin resurfacing with one of several types of lasers. The laser treatment is usually performed four to six weeks after surgery.

In some cases, our cosmetic surgeons perform surgical excision of the scars immediately after laser resurfacing. Patients usually notice an improvement in four to six weeks.

Rolling scars

Rolling scars have an undulating appearance on the skin. They are best treated with soft tissue fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane, which can improve their appearance.

Fillers also may be used in combination with other aesthetic procedures, such as undermining the scar with a tiny blade or needle, a process called subcision.

This process is often used under deep lines on the face in the nasolabial folds and under depressed scars, flaps or grafts.

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