Chaplains — our other essential workers August 20, 2020 | Valerie Elwell UCI Health chaplains Pirjo Carlisle and Patrick Thompson know too well the emotional and spiritual toll COVID-19 is taking — on patients... Read More Tags COVID-19 infections lung mental health stress trauma viruses
Should everyone wear a mask? July 28, 2020 | UCI Health Face masks are good at preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, but some people cannot tolerate or are unable to wear face coverings, says UCI... Read More Tags COVID-19 infections prevention viruses
Masks: essential in the fight against COVID-19 July 22, 2020 | UCI Health It's a fact: Face masks are an essential tool to block transmission of the virus, says Shruti Gohil, MD, MPH, a UCI Health infectious disease... Read More Tags COVID-19 hand washing health tips viruses infections
Respiratory therapists give COVID-19 patients the human touch May 26, 2020 | Greg Hardesty UCI Health respiratory therapists are unsung heroes in the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More Tags COVID-19 infections viruses
Preparing for a new normal May 19, 2020 | UCI Health As more companies reopen for businesses, employees eager to protect themselves from COVID-19 infection may need to adjust their work environments... Read More Tags COVID-19 hand washing infections prevention viruses
Racing to deliver COVID-19 testing May 12, 2020 | UCI Health When test results for the first UCI Medical Center patient suspected of COVID-19 were delayed by a logjam at the county health department, UCI... Read More Tags breakthroughs COVID-19 infections vaccines viruses